
Temat: Ilu ludzi zeszło z tego świata w dzień twoich urodzin?
...Ida McKinley, First Lady of the United Statesl l1904 - Georges Gilles de la Tourette, French neurologistl l1902 - Almon Strowger, American inventorl l1883 - Edward Sabine, Irish astronomerl l1883 - Abd al-Qadir, Algerian political and military leaderl l1881 - Jakob Bernays, German philologistl l1840 - Sidney Smith, British admirall l1831 - Ciro Menotti, Italian patriotl l1824 - Capel Lofft, English writerl l1799 - James Burnett, Lord Monboddo, Scottish judgel l1762 - Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, German philosopherl l1703 - Samuel Pepys, English civil servant and diaristl l1685 - Karl II, Elector Palatinel l1679 - Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavarial l1653 - Robert Filmer, English writerl l1648 - Vincent Voiture, French poetl l1647 - Alse Young, American "witch"l l1595 - Philip Neri, Italian churchmanl l1536 - Francesco Berni, Italian poetl l1512 - Bayezid II, Ottoman Sultanl l1421 - Mehmed I, Ottoman Sultanl...
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