
Temat: Suple a cukrzyca?
...bout consisted of 4 sets of leg press at 80% of 1 RM to failure followed by 4 sets of knee extension at 80% 1 RM to failure. Rest periods between sets and exercises were 150 seconds. Supplementation was administered 30 minutes prior, immediately before, and immediately following RE. Serum insulin was obtained at baseline, 30 minutes after the first supplementation administration, as well as immediately post, 30 min, 2 hr, and 6 hr post RE. Serum insulin was analyzed via ELISA ( Alpha Diagnostic Intl.). Insulin data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows version 15.0. A 2 × 6 repeated measures ANOVA (mixed methods) with repeated measures on the second factor (time) was utilized. Results Data are reported as means ± SD. Serum insulin values at baseline, 30 minutes after the first supplementation administration, immediately post, 30 min, 2 hr, and 6 hr post RE were 19.2 ± 7.8, 23.0 ± 9.6, 25.3 ± 12.9, 24.8...
Źródło: forum.suple.us/viewtopic.php?t=81624

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