
Temat: What does it really take to be listed?
...and use it on their site, subject to our license and attribution rules. By clicking the "submit a site" links on one of their directory pages, you should be sent to an ODP "add URL" page and can submit your site to us. However, submitting sites to these search engines in other ways will not bring your site to the attention of the ODP editors. For example, submitting your site at http://addurl.altavista.com/ may help you get picked up by the Altavista search engine. But to appear in the "Altavista directory," your site needs to be listed in the ODP and picked up by an RDF dump, which Altavista will hopefully, at some point, download and install (a process we have no control over). The only part we (editors) do is actually list the site in the ODP. We do this through a mix of surfing for sites and reviewing submitted sites. Does that help to clarify what our process is? As brmehlman pointed...
Źródło: resource-zone.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6302

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