
Temat: ONCE UPON A TIME / Wonseu Eopon Eo Taim (2008)
ONCE UPON A TIME / Wonseu Eopon Eo Taim (2008)
In the 1940's under the Japan's colonial rule, Bong-gu, a swindler, and Chun-ja, a jazz singer, are both after "The Light of the East", a diamond on the Buddhist statue in Seokguram cave. However, Japan's head gets it and he holds a party to celebrate and move it to Japan as soon as possible. Bong-gu and Chun-ja participate to steal 'the Light of the East'.
Napisy angielskie
Źródło: gram24.pl/showthread.php?t=131897
Temat: ĂŚpiewak jazzbandu / The Jazz Singer [1927]
ĂŚpiewak jazzbandu / The
Jazz Singer [1927]
[img width=242 height=350]http://images28.fotosik.pl/240/55dadbd7073e9f24.jpg[/img]
GĂłówny bohater - Jakie (Al Jolson) jest jedynym synem poboĂżnego kantora w synagodze,
Rabinowitza. Marzeniem ojca jest, by syn poszedĂł w jego Ăślady. Jednak Jakie, choÄŚ zwiĂązany
ze swoimi Ăżydowskimi korzeniami, pragnie zrobiÄŚ karierÄĹź jako piosenkarz jazzowy. Po zaĂżartej
Źródło: bigserwer.org/showthread.php?t=44709
Temat: 100 najlepszych filmów w historii kina
..."Pluton" "Platoon" 1986
84. "Fargo" "Fargo" 1996
85. "Kacza zupa" "Duck Soup" 1933
86. "Bunt na Bounty" "Mutiny on the Bounty" 1935
87. "Frankenstein" "Frankenstein" 1931
88. "Swobodny jeździec" "Easy Rider" 1969
89. "Patton" "Patton" 1970
90. "Śpiewak jazzbandu" "The
Jazz Singer" 1927
91. "My Fair Lady" "My Fair Lady" 1964
92. "Miejsce w słońcu" "A Place in the Sun" 1951
93. "Garsoniera" "The Apartment" 1960
94. "Chłopcy z ferajny" "Goodfellas" 1990
95. "Pulp Fiction" "Pulp Fiction" 1994
96. "Poszukiwacze" "The Searchers" 1956
97. "Bringing Up...
Źródło: clife.pl/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=2092
Temat: Między słowami / Lost in translation (2003)
...męża, nudzi się, pozostawiona sama sobie. Pewnego dnia ścieżki tych dwojga przetną się. Dwoje Amerykanów w Tokio - to początek pięknej przyjaźni.
Cast overview:
Scarlett Johansson .... Charlotte
Bill Murray .... Bob Harris
Akiko Takeshita .... Ms. Kawasaki
Kazuyoshi Minamimagoe .... Press Agent
Kazuko Shibata .... Press Agent
Take .... Press Agent
Ryuichiro Baba .... Concierge
Akira Yamaguchi .... Bellboy
Catherine Lambert ....
Jazz Singer
Fran篩s du Bois .... Sausalito Piano (as Francois du Bois)
Tim Leffman .... Sausalito Guitar
Gregory Pekar .... American Businessman #1
Richard Allen .... American Businessman #2
Giovanni Ribisi .... John
Diamond Yukai .... Commercial Director (as Yutaka Tadokoro)
Długość: 102 min.
Źródło: elitewarez.com.pl/vb/showthread.php?t=23829
Temat: BILLIE HOLIDAY - Sings Her Favorite Blues Songs (2006)
The first popular
jazz singer to move audiences with the intense, personal feeling of classic blues, Billie Holiday changed the art of American pop vocals forever. Almost 50 years after her death, it's difficult to believe that prior to her emergence, jazz and pop singers were tied to the Tin Pan Alley tradition and rarely personalized their songs; only blues singers like Bessie Smith and Ma Rainey actually gave the impression they had lived through what they were singing....
Źródło: gram24.pl/showthread.php?t=140475
Temat: Cancer awareness event for women with ANNA MARIA JOPEK
Wednesday, 2nd June, 12pm-3pm
The Lit & Phil
A great opportunity for all women to come and discuss health issues with local health services such as Healthy Communities Collaborative, Community Action on Health, Macmillan Cancer Support, Cancer Research UK and Patient Advice Liaison Service.
The event will include information stalls, presentations and questions and answers session.
Special guest will be Anna Maria Jopek, a Polish
jazz singer (performing later at The Sage Gateshead) and supporter of the cancer awareness campaign in Poland.
Free tickets for Anna Maria Jopek will be drawn.
Time: Wednesday, 2nd June, 12pm-3pm
Venue: The Lit & Phil, 23 Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 1SE
Admission: free
Źródło: pamietnik.anna-maria-jopek.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=353
Temat: notowanie 899 - 01.06.2008
...tym bardziej że miałem na nim byc , ale mój nienormowany czas pracy na to nie pozwolił . W ostatniej chwili na koncert pojechał szwagier z kumplem , a gdy przyjechali i zaczeli opowiadac ... to myslałem że wyjde z siebie
A na Twojej liscie bardzo mnie ucieszył debiut Chromoli . The Fratellis juz mam . przesłuchałem jeden raz i... utwór "Mistress Mabel" jest w kręgu moich zainteesowań. Podoba mi sie także "Jesus Stole My Baby' oraz "Acid
Jazz Singer".
No prosze , The Bleeding' oczko do góry , a SOB juz za tydzień, a właściwie może juz ....dziś jest w pierwszej dziesiątce
Źródło: mycharts.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2088
Temat: [RS] piewak jazzbandu / The Jazz Singer (1927)
Jeśli masz problem z pozycją: [RS] piewak jazzbandu / The
Jazz Singer (1927) Przeczytaj informacje znajdującą się na samym dole tematu.
Mirror: Mirror: Mirror: Jeżeli występuje jakikolwiek problem z tym tematem proszę o zaraportowanie go za pomocą tego przycisku http://precyl.pl/images/cb/buttons/report.gif W wiadomości proszę podać rodzaj problemu jaki wystepuje lub skontaktuj sie z moderatorem dzialu - Pomoże nam to szybciej naprawić problem.
Źródło: precyl.pl/showthread.php?t=302403
Temat: Danielia Cotton - Rare Child (2008)
...debut disc she was earning them with such titans as Tina Turner, Janis Joplin, and the Rolling Stones. And she doesn't mind letting the world know that the circumstances of her youth were less than ideal: Cotton, according to a mounting pile of press materials, grew up fatherless in rural Hopewell, NJ, as one of only seven black children at the local high school ?thus the title of her CD, Small White Town.
Inspiration for a career in music came from her mother, a little-known
jazz singer, and two aunts. The three women sang as a trio at church, igniting a passion for big belting in Cotton. Outside of church, though, her musical tastes leaned in an unlikely direction. AC/DC, Judas Priest, Led Zeppelin, and Todd Rundgren ?not hip-hop or R&B ?formed the soundtrack to Cotton's discomfited youth, and shreds of the hard rock bands' fury and of Rundgren's literate sensitivity shade her songs.
Early adulthood found Cotton and her...
Źródło: siec24.pl/viewtopic.php?t=85456
Temat: Top 75 - 21/6/08
...(4785552) 261 Wks
145. (NE) The Best Of Simon & Garfunkel - Simon & Garfunkel - Columbia (88697282352) 1 Wk
153. (RE) Employment - Kaiser Chiefs - B-Unique (BUN093CD) 160 Wks
155. (RE) The Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd - EMI (CDEMD1064) 743 Wks
163. (RE) Hit Parade - Paul Weller - Island/Polydor (9842593) 26 Wks
171. (RE) #1's - Destiny's Child - Columbia (82876739282) 40 Wks
174. (RE) Bat Out Of Hell - Meat Loaf - Epic (88697010122) 585 Wks
181. (RE) The
Jazz Singer (OST) - Neil Diamond - Columbia (4839272) 133 Wks
185. (RE) Piano Man - The Very Best Of Billy Joel - Billy Joel - Columbia (88697142962) 42 Wks
190. (RE) The Very Best Of Sting and The Police - Sting and The Police - A&M (4932522) 259 Wks
193. (RE) Sean Kingston - Sean Kingston - Beluga Heights/Epic (88697159422) 26 Wks
196. (RE) Gregorian Chant - The Very Best Of Canto Gregoriano - The Monks Of Silos - EMI Classics (VTCD907) 2 Wks
198. (RE) Because...
Źródło: mycharts.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2197
Temat: The Fratellis - Here We Stand (2008)
The Fratellis - Here We Stand (2008)
1. My Friend John
2. A Heady Tale
3. Shameless
4. Look Out Sunshine!
5. Stragglers Moon
6. Mistress Mabel
7. Jesus Stole My Baby
8. Babydoll
9. Tell Me A Lie
10. Acid
Jazz Singer
11. Lupe Brown
12. Milk And Money
Źródło: gram24.pl/showthread.php?t=113693
Temat: Torrent The Jazz Singer (1927 Al Jolson)1.avi
Torrent The
Jazz Singer (1927 Al Jolson)1.avi
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Źródło: darkmachine.pl/showthread.php?t=69045
Temat: [torrent] The Jazz Singer (1927 Al Jolson)1.avi
Jazz Singer (1927 Al Jolson)1.avi
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Źródło: precyl.pl/showthread.php?t=408250