
Temat: kto umarł gdy Ty się rodziłes..>?
...of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine * 1879 - James Clerk Maxwell, Scottish physicist * 1836 - Karel Hynek MĂĄcha, Czech poet * 1828 - Maria Fyodorovna of Russia, second wife of Tsar Paul I of Russia * 1758 - Hans Egede, Norwegian Lutheran missionary * 1752 - Carl Andreas Duker, German classical scholar * 1714 - Bernardino Ramazzini, Italian physician * 1701 - Charles Gerard, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield, French-born English politician (bc. 1659) * 1660 - Alexandre de Rhodes, French Jesuit missionary * 1660 - Lucy Hay, Countess of Carlisle, English socialite * 1559 - Kano Motonobu, Japanese painter * 1515 - Mariotto Albertinelli, Italian painter * 1370 - Casimir III the Great king of Poland
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