
Temat: Peeling migdałowy i inne peelingi kwasowe - wymiana doświadczeń. ZBIORCZY
...sunburn). Keep out of eyes and mucous membranes. This moisturiser has a very unique texture which is why it's so amazing for oily skin. Unlike usual moisturisers which have a creamy texture, this product is almost like a whipped, clotted gel which melts in to the skin giving instant moisture without any shine. This texture is due to the fact that this product is oil free which is why it is so suited for oily, acne and problem skin This product also has the added benefits of the Aloe Vera plant as this base of this product is Aloe Vera gel. Aloe Vera is one of the oldest medicinal plants known to mankind, ancient Egyptians used it in their beauty regimes and for embalming, ancient Greeks used it to heal numerous internal and external ailments, ancient Chinese doctors considered Aloe Vera to be one of the plants with major therapeutic properties and called it the 'harmonic remedy', American Indians ate the aloe as a remedy for a number of...
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